Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Today my best friend and I did something that has been in the works, well possibly since day one. We may not have seen it coming from the start, but like an unexpected rainfall, it was inevitable. Something we all have to understand in life is that, people disappoint you. No matter how much we believe that someone can fulfill all the desires of our heart, we learn the hard way this is merely fiction.
So what about second chances. Let’s try third, fourth, fifth, tenth. You may say “foolish girls, it is their own fault for getting hurt time and time again.” But you would be foolish for thinking so. We knew time after time it was going to end with an aching heart, but there was no way we could go on without trying. I think maybe our Mothers told us the story of ‘the little engine that could’ one to many times. On behalf of both of us, we learnt heaps from every moment. All of our memories, we still hold those close, but they come with lessons. Ones that I pray some day you will learn too. Maybe not in such a tender way, but I sincerely hope you do.
Today we stepped onto a field. Two girls. Balloons in hand. One orange. One pink. No fear. No looking back. And we let them go. We watched them float until we could no longer see them. In such a simple action we let go of years of turmoil. Everything that was negative, everything holding us back, everything clogging the valves of our heart. It was all gone with one swift release of our hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.
I understand that this is all a bit confusing, and that really only two of us understand what this is all about. But it isn’t about what happened. It isn’t about the past. It isn’t saying that we are any better than the one who hurt us. It is about a new beginning. It’s about putting the hurts of our past behind us. Locking them in some fictitious box, attaching a heavy weight and throwing it in the ocean. Never to be brought up again. I guess in our case, it was attaching all our hurts to a balloon and letting go. Not letting go of the person, because we will still be there. Right where we were left. But from this day forward, we are no longer living in the pain of the past. We are moving forward and entering a new chapter free of all the ropes that tied us down. Two brave new girls.

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